Small business minister Kelly O’Dwyer has picked Kate Carnell, a business lobbyist and advocate for cutting penalty rates, to fill the newly created position of small business ombudsman for a five-year period.
O’Dwyer said the appointment would be a “major win for small business owners who will have access to advice and support, and an independent advocate to ensure the government creates the right conditions for small businesses to grow.”
ARA executive director, Russell Zimmerman, said Carnell’s appointment is an “excellent choice.”
“Kate has done a fantastic job over the last couple of years in her role as CEO of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) and we look forward to continuing our relationship with her as Small Business Ombudsman… Kate is a staunch supporter of small business, with a wealth of experience, having owned her own pharmacy, and held CEO roles at the Australian Food and Grocery Council, Beyond Blue, and Chief Minister of the ACT, among others,” Zimmerman said.