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Wulagi Supermarket operator penalised for underpaying migrant worker

(Source: Bigstock)

Wulagi Supermarket operator Om Shiva Foods has been fined more than $100,000 for underpaying a migrant worker.

The Federal Circuit and Family Court imposed a penalty of $39,960 to the Darwin-based retailer for failing to calculate the back-pay entitlement it owed to a casual retail assistant, as required by a compliance notice issued by the Fair Work Ombudsman.

The company also failed to issue payslips to the Indian national worker, who was employed between February 2020 and August 2021.

The company’s sole director Vinay Madasu also received a penalty of $7992 for the breaches.

The court also ordered Om Shiva Foods to fully rectify the $68,970 underpayment of the employee as it was only partially rectified to date.

“There is a need for small businesses in the supermarket and grocery industry to appreciate the seriousness of their obligations to comply with compliance notices and their record-keeping obligations,” said Judge Anastasis Liveris.

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